

There are a million different reasons to come to KENYA and picking just one is nigh impossible. Because for a country of its size, Kenya sure packs a lot in: mountains and deserts, colourful tribal culture, beaches and coral reefs and some of Africa’s best wildlife attractions. In fact, to say Kenya is Africa in microcosm would not be stretching the point.

From Kakamega’s rainforests and Indian Ocean beaches via the magnificent Mt. Kenya National Park to rolling grasslands of the Masai Mara and searing deserts on the shores of the Jade Sea - with The Rift Valley slicing through a massive gash - stunning landscapes set the scene. But your eyebrows rise when you hear of Kenya being rated as one of the top five bird watching destinations in the world and is equally famous for trekking in the glacial ridges of Mt. Kenya, ballooning over the Masai Mara and snorkelling at Malindi on the Indian Ocean coast. If you are ‘Keen’, make it a ‘ya’! You’ll be glad.